Monday, 6 October 2014

Motivational Monday - Food | Leah'xo

Hey guys, I needed to look at my diet carefully and understand actually how much rubbish I am eating. One thing you need to know. The reason I am doing this is so people can see that you can change your life around. So absolutely no judging about me or if someone says something in the comments about themselves. We should be proud to say we are apart of this community and shouldn't be afraid of saying anything.

Anyway :)

My diet before was so bad I can't believe it. I go to school in the morning and I can't eat anything before 8.30am-9am because I can't stomach it. So I never used to east anything for breakfast just a bag of chocolate and can of pop. Now I don't see how I actually could live on that! For lunch I don't have much of an option because I have to transport it all around school and anything too fancy will just be a disaster. Hahah. I used to have a sandwich with ham and cheese. Sounds OKish? Then I'd have the left over chocolate and a pure orange juice. Also my evening meal was always quick because I didn't really want anything healthy after eating crap all day.


Breakfast: Sweets or Chocolate with a sugary drink.

Lunch: A sandwich with usually ham on with a pure orange juice.

Tea: Chicken Nuggets and Waffles and a can of coke.

(I didn't drink that often. It didn't cross my mind to have a glass of water.)
I know that's really bad but it's true, everything I eat was full of sugar and fat. I was blinded by the sweetness of it all. But over the past week it has all changed. My diet consists of as much water as I possibly can drink, as much fruit and veg and as much wholemeal.


Breakfast: Yogurt with oats and banana with a glass of milk.

Lunch: Wholemeal wrap with ham and lettuce, with a bottle of water and a orange.

Tea: A salad with chicken. A banana and a glass of orange juice.
A dramatic change for my body, but I know I'll see a difference soon.

Do you have a rough meal plan? I'd love to know. Comment down below and tell me what you eat!

Love you all, Leah'xo


  1. Good luck! I'm impressed with your will to change your diet :)

    Anoushka Probyn - A Fashion and Lifestyle Blog

    1. Thank you so much, I have just got to that stage where I give up. Next stage is exercising... :) xx

  2. I'm so proud of you! You go girl :)

    1. Thank you so much, your comment really made me smile :) xx
